Have a pinhole in your garden hose? leak under your sink? leak in a fuel line or fuel tank? loose wooden dowel? missing pieces in a cherished porcelain figurine or ceramic mug?
All that is required is The Last Glue and our secret weapon: The Last Fill.
Once the hole is filled you can: *drill it *tap it *paint it *sand it.
For any type of pipe, hose or tank always:
1)turn off water (if applicable) and release pressure it is not necessary to bleed the system 2) put a bead of glue on the pinhole 3) apply a small amount filler until it turns white and 'bob is your uncle', it's done!
For part 2 of this email we are going to teach you how to fix a ceramic or porcelain object that is missing pieces! It will amaze you and you won't want to miss it.
Shawn McMahon